鳥獣妖怪戯画 Choju Yokai Giga




Stationary Animals

Turtle Samurai sprite
亀侍 // Turtle Samurai
Health: Heart Heart
Timer: 15 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Start, Stages 1 and 5
Blocks enemies and has a melee attack.
Turtle Samurai card
Rabbit Archer sprite
兎弓兵 // Rabbit Archer
Health: Heart
Timer: 15 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Start, Stages 1 and 5
Shoots an arrow straight ahead. Arrows continue even from off-screen.
Rabbit Archer card
Carp Parasol sprite
鯉傘 // Carp Parasol
Health: Heart Heart
Timer: 15 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stages 3 and 4
Blocks attacks from above.
Carp Parasol card
Mouse Fireworks Technician sprite
鼠花火 // Mouse Fireworks Technician
Health: Heart Heart
Timer: 20 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stages 1, 2, and 5
Shoots three fireworks upwards.
Mouse Fireworks Technician card
Octopus Cannoneer sprite
Daruma cannonball蛸大砲 // Octopus Cannoneer
Health: Heart Heart
Timer: 10 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stages 3 and 4
Shoots exploding Daruma in an arc, both forward and backwards.
Octopus Cannoneer card

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Active Animals

Monkey Ninja sprite
猿忍者 // Monkey Ninja
Health: Heart Heart
Timer: 15 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stages 1 and 5
Jumps in the air and throws two shuriken downwards.
Monkey Ninja card
Frog Kabuki sprite
蛙歌舞伎 // Frog Kabuki
Health: Heart Heart
Timer: 20 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stage 2
Hops forward on the ground and breathes fire.
Frog Kabuki card
Crane Archersprite
鶴弓兵 // Crane Archer
Health: Heart
Timer: 10 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stages 2, 3, and 4
Jumps into the air and shoots four arrows straight down.
Crane Archer card

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Tracking Animals

Sparrow Farmer sprite
雀農家 // Sparrow Farmer
Health: N/A
Timer: 8 seconds Sake bottle
Available: All Stages
Follows the player and spits rice straight ahead.
Sparrow Farmer card
Chicken Karate Sensei sprite
鶏空手 // Chicken Karate Sensei
Health: N/A
Timer: 6 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stages 3 and 4
Follows the player closely and attacks the nearest enemy.
Chicken Karate Sensei card

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Building Animals

Bear Shrine Carpenter sprite
熊宮大工 // Bear Shrine Carpenter
Health: N/A
Timer: N/A
Available: Stages 1, 2, and 5
Builds a towering omikoshi with platforms that the player can jump on.
Bear Shrine Carpenter card
Horse Carpenter sprite
馬大工 // Horse Carpenter
Health: N/A
Timer: N/A
Available: Stage 2
Builds a horizontal bridge that the player can jump on.
Horse Carpenter card
Deer Gardener sprite
鹿庭師 // Deer Gardener
Health: N/A
Timer: N/A
Available: Stages 3 and 4
Grows a tree with branches that the player can jump on. Also drops a Heart.
Deer Gardener card
Ox Stonecutter sprite
Jizo statue牛石屋 // Ox Stonecutter
Health: N/A
Timer: N/A
Available: Stages 3 and 4
Builds Jizo statues that guard against attacks and also knock enemies back.
Ox Stonecutter card

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Shapeshifting Animals

Tanuki Festivalgoer sprite
狸祭 // Tanuki Festivalgoer
Health: N/A
Timer: N/A
Available: Start, Stages 1 and 5
Adds two cards to your hand and drops a Heart.
Tanuki Festivalgoer card
Marten Wanderer sprite
貂旅人 // Marten Wanderer
Health: N/A
Timer: N/A
Available: Stage 2
Adds two cards to your hand and drops a Sake bottle.
Marten Wanderer card

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Other Animals

Hawk Swordsman sprite
鷹剣士 // Hawk Swordsman
Health: Heart Heart
Timer: 8 seconds Sake bottle
Available: Stages 2, 3, and 4
Darts towards the nearest enemy and slashes with his sword.
Hawk Swordsman card
Boar Rickshaw sprite
猪人力車 // Boar Rickshaw
Health: N/A
Timer: N/A
Available: Stages 1, 2, and 5
Waits for the player to jump into the rickshaw. Once the player does, runs to the next screen. The player does not take any damage during the ride.
Boar Rickshaw card

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Cat Merchant
化け猫商人 // Cat Merchant
Sells the player one card from a total of three. Cards are randomly selected from those that are available for that level and priced at 10Mon, 20Mon, or 30Mon.
Fox Freeter
狐遊び人 // Fox Freeter
Player can donate 10Mon to the shrine to get rid of a card from their deck.
Dog Storyteller stagehand
犬語り部 // Dog Storyteller
A mysterious animal who seems to know how everything will unfold...

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